
  • Scale

    The must-read summary of Jeff Hoffman and David Finkel's book: "Scale: Seven Proven Principles to Grow Your Business and Get Your Life Back".This complete summary of the ideas from Jeff Hoffman and David Finkel's book "Scale" shows that budding entrepreneurs must build their business the right way in order to succeed. To do this, they must reduce the company's reliance...
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  • Scrum

    The must-read summary of Jeff Sutherland's book: "Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time".This complete summary of the ideas from Jeff Sutherland's book "Scrum" shows how the conventional way of doing product development is broken and introduces a new method - SCRUM. Rather than sticking to a top-down, prescriptive approach, the SCRUM method is adaptive...
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  • The must-read summary of Jesse Berst's book: "The Magnet Effect: Attracting and Retaining an Internet Audience Today and in the Future".This complete summary of the ideas from Jesse Berst's book "The Magnet Effect" shows that surviving and prospering in today's digital era all comes down to how effectively you can attract and retain an Internet audience of regular customers. In...
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  • The must-read summary of Jim Champy's book: "Deliver! How to Be Fast, Flawless and Frugal".This complete summary of the ideas from Jim Champy's book "Deliver!" explains that it is hard to find funding for new initiatives. Therefore, new businesses need to adopt models which allow them to outsmart competitors, engage customers more fully and operate in and then retool the...
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  • The must-read summary of Jim Collins' book: "How the Mighty Fall: and Why Some Companies Never Give In"This complete summary of the ideas from "How The Mighty Fall" shows that no successful business is immune from failure, regardless of previous performance. Providing you with a clear overview of the five stages of failure, as well as with a checklist for...
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  • The must-read summary of Jim Horan's book: "The One Page Business Plan: Start with a Vision, Build a Company!"This complete summary of the ideas from Jim Horan's "The One Page Business Plan" exposes the significant advantages of using a one-page business plan, in terms of time saving, clear thinking, motivational impact and professional credibility. In this summary, you will discover...
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  • Grow

    The must-read summary of Jim Stengel's book: "Grow: How Ideals Power Growth at the World's Greatest Companies".This complete summary of the ideas from Jim Stengel's book "Grow" shows how high growth companies aren't just interested in money - they're trying to change the world. In his book, the author explains that the best way to grow is not to pursue...
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  • The must-read summary of Jody Gittell's book: "The Southwest Airlines Way: Using the Power of Relationships to Achieve High Performance".This complete summary of the ideas from Jody Gittell's book "The Southwest Airlines Way" tells the standout success story of the US airline industry. In her book, the author describes the accomplishments of Southwest Airlines and explains how most attempts to...
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  • The must-read summary of Joe Calhoon's book: "The 1 Hour Plan for Growth: How a Single Sheet of Paper Can Take Your Business to the Next Level".This complete summary of the ideas from Joe Calhoon's book "The 1 Hour Plan for Growth" shows that many businesses and business people spend their time continually doing something, but not contributing to company...
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  • The must-read summary of Joe Calloway's book: "Be the Best at What Matters Most: The Only Strategy You Will Ever Need".This complete summary of the ideas from Joe Calloway's book "Be the Best at What Matters Most" shows that you can consistently deliver what customers value the most if your business wins on the basics. Therefore, to develop a successful...
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  • The must-read summary of Joe Calloway's book: "Becoming a Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison".This complete summary of the ideas from Joe Calloway's book "Becoming a Category of One" shows that instead of aspiring to lead your product category, you should create a new category and be the only one in it. That’s the goal...
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  • The must-read summary of Joel Barker and Scott Erikson's book: "Five Regions of the Future: Preparing Your Business for Tomorrow's Technology Revolution".This complete summary of the ideas from Joel Barker and Scott Erikson's book "Five Regions of the Future" shows that new technology falls into one of five well-defined regions. In their book, the authors explain how you can make...
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  • The must-read summary of Joel Kurtzman, Glenn Rifkin and Victoria Griffith's book: "MBA in a Box: Practical Ideas from the Best Brains in Business".This complete summary of the ideas from Joel Kurtzman, Glenn Rifkin and Victoria Griffith's book "MBA in a Box" shows that, at one level, business isn’t as difficult to master as the business schools and other sellers...
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  • The must-read summary of Joel Schuman's book: "Getting Bigger by Growing Smaller: A New Growth Model for Corporate America".This complete summary of the ideas from Joel Schuman's book "Getting Bigger by Growing Smaller" shows how today's companies need a smarter way to grow. It is no longer useful to focus on major investments or acquisitions - the best place to...
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  • The must-read summary of John Kotter and Dan Cohen's book: "The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations".This complete summary of the ideas from John Kotter and Dan Cohen's book "The Heart of Change" asks a fundamental question: "What is the most effective way to actually get organisations to make permanent changes?" Often, detailed information is...
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  • The must-read summary of John Maxwell's book: "Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See It and Seize It".This complete summary of the ideas from John Maxwell's book "Put Your Dream to the Test" shows how dreams have the power to inspire, motivate and empower you to do great things. To make your dreams come true,...
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