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approach to success

  • The must-read summary of Albert Poissant's book: "How to Think Like a Millionaire: Ten of the World’s Most Successful People Reveal Secrets of Their Success"This complete summary of the ideas from Albert Poissant's book "How to Think Like a Millionaire" shows that successful businesspeople are successful not because of the industry they are in, but because they share four key...
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  • The must-read summary of John Sviokla and Mitch Cohen's book: "The Self-Made Billionaire Effect: How Extreme Producers Create Massive Value".This complete summary of the ideas from John Sviokla and Mitch Cohen's book "The Self-Made Billionaire" highlights a key difference between high-performing executives and self-made billionaires; while executives tend to be performers, self-made billionaires are producers. To explain the difference between...
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