
  • The must-read summary of James Citrin and Richard Smith's book: "The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers: The Guide for Achieving Success and Satisfaction".This complete summary of the ideas from James Citrin and Richard Smith's book "The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers" reveals the results of a study on over 1.2 million successful people. In their book, the authors identify 5...
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  • The must-read summary of James Murphy's book: "Flawless Execution: Use the Techniques and Systems of America's Fighter Pilots to Perform at Your Peak and Win the Battles of the Business World" This complete summary of the ideas from James Murphy's book "Flawless Execution" describes flawless execution as “a trainable, learnable repeatable process – bred in military aviation – that improves...
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  • The must-read summary of James Wynbrandt's book: "Flying High: How JetBlue Founder and CEO David Neeleman Beats the Competition...Even in the World's Most Turbulent Industry".This complete summary of the ideas from James Wynbrandt's book "Flying High" tells the story of former JetBlue founder David Neeleman and his amazing career. In his book, the author draws from interviews with Neeleman's relatives...
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  • The must-read summary of Jamie Nast's book: “Idea Mapping: How to Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More and Achieve Success in Business”. This complete summary of the ideas from Jamie Nast's book "Idea Mapping" highlights that the human brain is better at processing information when it is presented visually. Therefore by converting linear information that is received...
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  • The must-read summary of Jeff Thull's book: "Exceptional Selling: How the Best Connect and Win in High Stakes Sales".This complete summary of the ideas from Jeff Thull's book "Exceptional Selling" shows that the days of using canned or memorised sales pitches to make complex sales are now well and truly gone. Instead, you need to be having genuine and authentic...
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  • The must-read summary of Jeffrey Gitomer's book: "Jeffrey Gitomer's 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling: Proven Actions You Must Take to Make Easier, Faster, Bigger Sales...Now and Forever".This complete summary of the ideas from Jeffrey Gitomer's book "Jeffrey Gitomer's 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling" highlights the laws which determine whether you excel or stumble along in mediocrity. To excel you certainly...
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  • The must-read summary of Jerome Tuccille's book: "Rupert Murdoch: Australia's Richest Man".This complete summary of the ideas from Jerome Tuccille's book "Rupert Murdoch" tells the life story of one of the world's most successful businessmen. In his book, the author takes a look at Murdoch's life, giving fascinating biographical detail and analysing why and how he became so powerful. This...
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  • The must-read summary of Joe Gibbs' book: "Racing to Win: Establish Your Game Plan for Success".This complete summary of the ideas from Joe Gibbs' book "Racing to Win" shows that success in any area of life is never an accident. It has to be planned and worked towards - you need a game plan that incorporates everything needed to make...
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  • The must-read summary of Joe Montana and Tom Mitchell's book: "The Winning Spirit: 16 Timeless Principles that Drive Performance Excellence".This complete summary of the ideas from Joe Montana and Tom Mitchell's book "The Winning Spirit" shows that the same time-tested principles that underpin success in professional sports work equally well in the family and business environments. In their book, the...
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  • The must-read summary of Joel Kurtzman and Glen Rifkin's book: "Startups that Work: The 10 Critical Factors That Will Make or Break a New Company".This complete summary of the ideas from Joel Kurtzman and Glen Rifkin's book "Startups that Work" reveals the results of a study into 350 different startup companies, showing that there are ten rules for increasing the...
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  • The must-read summary of John Assaraf and Murray Smith's book: "The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life".This complete summary of the ideas from John Assaraf and Murray Smith's book "The Answer" solves the question that almost everyone asks at some point in their life: "How can I access the unlimited abundance of the universe...
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  • The must-read summary of John C. Maxwell's book: "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective Leaders Do Differently". This complete summary of the ideas in John C. Maxwell's book "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" highlights the importance of effective communication in leadership and provides you with the five key principles of connection and the corresponding five key practices that will...
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  • The must-read summary of John Eliot's book: "Overachievement: The New Model for Exceptional Performance".This complete summary of the ideas from John Eliot's book "Overachievement" shows that overachievers think differently from the average person. In his book, the author compares the overachiever’s mindset with that suggested by the traditional quick-fix motivational speakers and self-help speakers. According to Eliot, to join the...
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  • The must-read summary of John Kotter and Dan Cohen's book: "The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations".This complete summary of the ideas from John Kotter and Dan Cohen's book "The Heart of Change" asks a fundamental question: "What is the most effective way to actually get organisations to make permanent changes?" Often, detailed information is...
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  • The must-read summary of John Maxwell's book: "Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See It and Seize It".This complete summary of the ideas from John Maxwell's book "Put Your Dream to the Test" shows how dreams have the power to inspire, motivate and empower you to do great things. To make your dreams come true,...
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  • The must-read summary of John Maxwell's book: "Talent Is Never Enough: Discover the Choices that Will Take You Beyond Your Talent".This complete summary of the ideas from John Maxwell's book "Talent Is Never Enough" answers a common question: “If talent alone is enough, then why do you and I know highly talented people who are not highly successful?” In his...
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