
  • Bond

    The must-read summary of Terence Maher's book: "Bond: The Business Career of Alan Bond".This complete summary of the ideas from Terence Maher's book "Bond" tells the story of Australian entrepreneur, Alan Bond. In his book, the author covers his entire life, right from his childhood, and reveals how he came to be so successful. This summary provides readers with a...
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  • The must-read summary of Todd Bermont's book: "10 Insider Secrets to Job Hunting Success: Everything You Need to Get the Job You Want in 24 Hours - or Less!".This complete summary of the ideas from Todd Bermont’s book “10 Insider Secrets to Job Hunting Success” identifies the 10 secrets to securing your dream job. Nowadays, employers spend an average of...
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  • The must-read summary of Tom Hopkins' book: "The Official Guide to Success: A Personal Success Program".This complete summary of the ideas from Tom Hopkins' book "The Official Guide to Success" shows how everyone lives by a set of programmed self-instructions. The real effectiveness of these occurs when they move from your conscious to your subconscious. In his book, the author...
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  • The must-read summary of Tony Hsieh's book: "Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose".This complete summary of the ideas from Tony Hsieh's book "Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose" shows how everyone has the potential to become a successful entrepreneur with dedication and hard work. In his book, Hsieh explains the best practices of his...
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  • The must-read summary of Vince Poscente's book: "The Age of Speed: Learning to Thrive in a More-Faster-Now World".This complete summary of the ideas from Vince Poscente's book "The Age of Speed" shows how rather than feeling guilty about leading a 24/7 lifestyle powered by all the latest technology, it’s time to fully embrace speed and make it your ally instead...
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  • The must-read summary of W. Clement Stone's book: "The Success System that Never Fails: Success Can Be Reduced to a Never Fail Formula".This complete summary of the ideas from W. Clement Stone's book "The Success System that Never Fails" shows that everyone wants something: money, prestige, love, success, health, wisdom, etc. In a world of unlimited opportunity, are there formulas,...
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