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Silicon Valley

  • The must-read summary of Ashlee Vance's book: "Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future".This complete summary of the ideas from Ashlee Vance's book "Elon Musk" tells the story of Elon Musk's incredible yet rocky rise to fortune. While in 2015 he was worth $10 billion, he has not always been so successful and had to face...
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  • The must-read summary of David Bunnell's book: "Making the Cisco Connection: The Story Behind the Real Internet Superpower".This complete summary of the ideas from David Bunnell's book "Making the Cisco Connection" tells the story of Sandy Lerner and Len Bosack, founders of Cisco. In his book, the author reveals all, right from the development of a local network system at...
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  • The must-read summary of David Kaplan's book: "The Silicon Boys and their Valley of Dreams: The Meek Didn't Inherit the Earth. The Geeks Did.".This complete summary of the ideas from David Kaplan's book "The Silicon Boys and their Valley of Dreams" reveals the history and culture of Silicon Valley. In his book, the author brilliantly captures the image of the...
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  • The must-read summary of David Packard's book: "The HP Way: How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company".This complete summary of the ideas from David Packard's book "The HP Way" tells the story behind the American giant company Hewlett-Packard. In his book, the author reveals the keys to the company's success and the obstacles that it had to overcome to...
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  • The must-read summary of Karen Southwick's book: "High Noon: The Inside Story of Scott McNealy and the Rise of Sun Microsystems".This complete summary of the ideas from Karen Southwick's book "High Noon" tells the story behind the success of Sun Microsystems from its creation in 1982 to 1999, when over half of companies worldwide were using Java technology and Sun...
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  • The must-read summary of Leslie Berlin's book: "The Man Behind the Microchip: Robert Noyce and the Invention of Silicon Valley".This complete summary of the ideas from Leslie Berlin's book "The Man Behind the Microchip" tells the story of a giant of the high-tech industry: the multimillionaire, Bob Noyce. This co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel co-invented the integrated circuit which...
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  • The must-read summary of Michael Malone's book: "Bill & Dave: How Hewlett and Packard Built the World’s Greatest Company".This complete summary of the ideas from Michael Malone's book "Bill & Dave" tells the story of how Hewlett and Packard built one of the world’s greatest companies. In his book, the author reveals all about their lives and how they met...
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  • The must-read summary of Richard Tedlow's book: "Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American".This complete summary of the ideas from Richard Tedlow's book "Andy Grove" tells the wonderful rags to riches story of Andy Grove. It describes his early childhood in war-torn Hungary and the humble beginnings of his career, right to his successful central position in Silicon...
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  • The must-read summary of Tim Jackson's book: "Inside Intel: How Andy Grove Built the World's Most Successful Chip Company".This complete summary of the ideas from Tim Jackson's book "Inside Intel" shows how Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore built their company thanks to their reputations and their dedication to their goals. In his book, the author tells their compelling story and...
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