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customer satisfaction

  • The must-read summary of Jay Conrad Levinson's book: "Guerrilla Marketing Excellence: The Fifty Golden Rules for Business Success".This complete summary of the ideas from Jay Conrad Levinson's book "Guerrilla Marketing Excellence" shows that marketing guerrillas use common sense and knowledge to develop cost-effective marketing programs and strategies. By using their resources efficiently, guerrillas can be as effective as competitors with...
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  • The must-read summary of Matthew E. May's book: "In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have Something Missing".This complete summary of the ideas from Matthew E. May's book "In Pursuit of Elegance" shows how every business is searching for a product or concept that is elegant, and which customers will love so much that they recommend it to all...
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  • The must-read summary of Michael Hammer and James Champy’s book: “Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution”. This complete summary of the ideas from Michael Hammer and James Champ’s book “Reengineering the Corporation” shows how it is important to forget about business traditions and invent a new, process-focused business organisation that leads to better performance. In their book, the...
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